Still be connected with article beforehand. Koi Sexing
Sorry requested the correction of the use of his English.
To distinguish the male koi fish from the female koi fish indeed rather was difficult.
Moreover if the measurement of the koi fish was still small, was supervised 25 centimeter.
The mother of the mature koi fish must measure smallest 40 centimeter, so as signs of his gender appeared clear.
The male koi fish usually has the form of the slenderer body and the head of appearance was bigger compared with his body.
The female koi fish had the head that was smaller than the stomach or his body.
The fins bank in the male part of the koi fish starting point more thick and stronger than female koi fish fins.
The female koi fish body appeared bigger and his stomach was inflated soft if being pressed.
The female koi fish that was ripe the egg, if his stomach was massaged slow will issue the egg.
The hole pelvic the ripe female koi fish the egg was very soft with gender was unanimous, whereas the hole pelvic the male koi fish harder, narrowed, have the shape of oval and prominent.
The male koi fish slower the development of his body.
If being held, the texture of his scale was felt rough.
The female koi fish that measured approximately 70 centimeter will produce approximately 8.000 items of the koi fish egg.
The male koi fish could every time issue sperm.
To get the quality koi fish child, the age the mother
male minimum one year and the mother of the female koi fish must more than two years, so as the child who was produced would many.
In spawning was installed one tail of the female mother with two or three male koi fish, so that the level of his success is high.
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Friday, March 02, 2007
Distinguished the male koi fish and the female koi fish
Posted by ars at 8:47 AM
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